- After the Flood: some cleanup tips.
- Boilers : some problems in hot water and steam heating systems.
- Check the Ducts in Your Home: what duct dust can contain.
- Cracks! : in the foundation or walls.
- Healthy Heating Systems : defects and maintenance.
- Listen to Your Nose
- Healthy Cooling Systems
- Make a Big Deal of Nothing
- How Long Will it Last? : the service life of a roof.
- Inspecting and Buying a Home: questions and concerns about the property.
- Loose Lips Sink Ships : comments that a buyer should not make.
- The Blessing of Garages: the orphans of most properties.
- To Sand or not to Sand: refinishing wood flooring.
- Watch Your Steps and Walks: tripping and falling at a property.
- Why Test for Radon? : a radioactive, gaseous, inert element.